If you have a complaint!
If you have a grievance or complaint you should first speak to a member of the Management Committee to see if the complaint may be dealt with informally.
If you still have a complaint, or it cannot be managed informally in the first instance, we recommend that you speak the Club Secretary and request a copy of the Clubs Complaints/Grievance Procedure.
You must then submit your Complaint/Grievance in writing to the Club Secretary no later than 30 (thirty) days following the incident.
All complaints at this stage should be dealt with at Club level following the Clubs Complaints/Grievance Procedure, unless the issue is of a Child Protection/Criminal or Doping matter.
Only after this process has been exhausted including the Appeals Procedure should you contact Scottish Swimming.
Further information available on the Scottish Swimming web site at www.scottishswimming.com
EKASC Complaints/Grievance Procedure follows Scottish Swimming Guidelines as detailed in Section 16 of Scottish Swimming Company Rules
South Lanarkshire Swimming Development